"Mateo" is a BVMI patient with Diabetes whose medical needs are being met because you care. PIctured here on the front porch of his rental apartment.

Luis: Diabetes & Arthritis

Luis is nearly 70 years old living on his own with no relatives in the area. He has diabetes and arthritis, but no health insurance. He works when jobs are available. He doesn’t have full access to a kitchen, so he eats whatever he can afford.  Luckily a friend told Luis about BVMI and as a patient his medical needs are now being met.  Luis is receiving medication assistance and is eating better with the help of Meals on Wheels. His doctor at BVMI arranged for him to get a new knee brace which makes walking much easier.  He’s applied for rental assistance with the help of BVMI’s case manager and looking forward to a more stable environment for his health needs. Luis says he is comforted that BVMI is here to help him and call us his “medical family.” 

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